Annual confirmation of qualification. Profi-investor 3 category (Basic)

Price - 85 $
Based on the successful confirmation of qualifications, the qualification “Profi-investor of the 3 category (Basic)” is established and a Grade 1 is given for a period of 365 days.
Annual confirmation of qualifications is necessary to confirm the relevance of your knowledge, taking into account changes in trends, legislation, technologies and tools for Profi-Investors and Invest-Consultants, maintaining qualifications, as well as in connection with the introduction of a system of grades and privileges for API graduates.
On the basis of the highest valid certificate, a grade is assigned, belonging to a group of graduates of the Academy of Private Investment of a certain level, who have an equal system of privileges. The assigned grade is valid for 365 days.
Qualification confirmation is not required, but without it, after 365 days, the validity of the certificate expires and your qualification becomes invalid. In addition, you lose the current grade, and therefore all the privileges that it gives.
You can check the qualification and validity period here.
Qualification is confirmed by passing a test. A pass is considered to be more than 80% correct answers.
Based on the successful confirmation of qualifications, the qualification “Profi-investor of the 3 category (Basic)” is established and a Grade 1 is given for a period of 365 days.
Confirmation of qualification (passing the test) has a recommended period. The cost depends on the timing of delivery:
- before the last date of the qualification a 100% discount from the cost of the main “Profi-Investor Category 3 (Basic)” course, that is, without payment;
- up to 30 days after the end of the qualification a 80% discount from the cost of the main course;
- more than 30 days after the end of the qualification or without paying the main course a 50% discount from the cost of the main course.
It is necessary to plan the test and pay for the proficiency confirmation test in advance and only if you are sure that you will have time to successfully pass the test within the allotted time. There is no limit on the number of attempts to pass the test.
If you do not have and did not have the qualification of “Profi-Investor 3 category (Basic)” from the Academy of Private Investment, but you have sufficient knowledge and skills and are confident in your preparation, then a qualification confirmation package is available to you with a 50% discount from the course cost. The period of access to the test is 30 days from the date of purchase.
Important! If you have paid for a qualification confirmation package without having an API qualification, but were not able to successfully pass the test, then you can purchase the “Profi-investor category 3. Basic (videocourse)” for training and work on simulators with subsequent re-certification within the recommended time frame. Access to content and simulators will be indefinite.